Dress Code

Summit Hill Elementary & Howe Intermediate School

The dress and grooming standards of the Howe ISD are meant to promote a positive, orderly, and professional learning environment. At Howe ISD, we believe that our young people should dress for success. The following guidelines are representative of our community standards and are most conducive to creating an environment where the focus is on instruction.

All students:

  • Must be clean and neatly dressed.

  • Students in grades K-2 may wear shorts that are of reasonable length. Students in grades 3-5 may wear shorts that are at least long enough to touch the tips of the student’s fingers when standing. The same applies to the length of skirts and dresses.

  • Shoes must be worn at all times unless otherwise instructed by the teacher. Shoes must be appropriate / safe for PE or recess activities. No flip-flops, high heels, cleats, house shoes, heelies or shoes having rollers/wheels will be permitted.

  • Hats and caps are not to be worn in the building unless deemed appropriate for an activity.

  • Students/parents may not wear articles of clothing or jewelry, which displays pictures, emblems, or writings, that are lewd, offensive, vulgar, or obscene, or that advertise or depict tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, drugs, or any other substance prohibited by board policy.

  • Students shall not have any visible body piercing except for the ears. Students will be asked to remove any jewelry that is considered a safety hazard during activities.

  • Any dress, clothing, or jewelry, etc. that represents gangs or is a recognized gang symbol is not allowed.

  • Pants will be worn at the appropriate level around the waist. No sagging, pant length will not extend below the shoes. Spandex shorts, Leggings, or tights will not be permitted at HIS unless shorts or skirts are worn over them. Jeans with holes must have something on underneath (ex. Leggings) to cover the student’s skin.   

  • Midriffs, halter-type blouses, thin spaghetti strap tops, or other revealing garments will not be permitted. Thin strap garments must be worn over/under another top.

  • Cheerleading uniforms are not permitted.

  • Shorts should be worn under dresses/skirts as students have PE/recess each day. 

  • All students should wear their hair in a clean, neat, and well-groomed fashion. 

  • Hair should be worn in a fashion that is out of the face, not covering the eyes, and of a natural color

  • Unusual hairstyles such as mohawks are prohibited. Hairstyles shall not, in the opinion of the administration, cause a safety hazard or distraction to the educational process.

If the principal determines that a student’s grooming or clothing violates the school’s dress code, the student will be given an opportunity to correct the problem at school. If not corrected, the student may be assigned to in-school suspension for the remainder of the day, until the problem is corrected, or until a parent or designee brings an acceptable change of clothing to the school. Repeated offenses may result in more serious disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.

Administrators will have complete and final judgment on all matters concerning interpretation of the student dress code. Matters concerning the appearance and dress not specifically covered in the dress code policy that is disruptive to the educational process is not permitted.​​​​​​​