Summit Hill Elementary Library
Welcome to the Summit Hill Library!
Librarian: Elisha Robertson
Contact: 903-745-4109
Check out the Sora App on your iPad (or download it from the Google play store or the Apple App Store) for access to thousands of eBooks! Click on the picture below to access directions on how to loginFollett
Click on the picture below to enter our Follett eBook site. Your username AND your password are your lunch number (which is also called your Student ID number).Capstone
This link is for our Capstone Interactive eBooks. Click on the picture below and then enter:Username: howe1
Password: school
TexQuest Resources for Summit Hill Elementary
As a student of Howe Independent School District, you have FREE access to the following resources anytime/anywhere you have internet access. These online resources will link you to a wealth of information including reference books, magazines, newspapers and images.
Ask the library staff for usernames and passwords
Brittanica Escolar
Enciclopedia básica con articulos, videos, y atros materiales de aprendizaje.Brittanica Fundamentals
Interactive learning games about numbers, letters, sounds, and geography.Brittanica School Elementary
Encyclopedia articles, multimedia, and primary sources.EBSCO E-Book 8th Grade Collection
Full text, simultaneous access e-books to support grades K-8.Gale in Context: Elementary
Magazines, news, and books on all subjects and current events.Learn 360
Videos and other multi-media resources for classrooms.National Geographic Kids
Images, videos, and magazines on science, nature, and culture.ProQuest SIRS Discover
News, magazines, and websites for K-8.Teaching Books
Multimedia resources about books used in the K-12 environment.